Pawsitive Influence: Exploring How Support and Service Animals Enrich Lives
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Marina Cigarroa
The College of Health Professions and Human Services
Forensic Psychology
Faculty Research Advisor(s):
Christine Doyle
Service animals play a vital role in the lives of individuals who rely on them. As a result, service animals have become increasingly recognized and accepted in public and work spaces. Laws such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) have been put in place to protect those who use service animals. However, it is important to mention that many individuals who rely on service animals still face challenges while out in public. This paper aims to explore the emotional, physical, and social benefits service animals provide their owners. As well as identifying the ways in which these animals help improve mental health and independence. Using a survey given using Qualtrics as a measurement tool, this study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between service animals and the quality of life for individuals dependent on them. Domains include history and experiences with service animals, type of service animal, and the adequacy of public accommodations for those with service animals.