Ethics in Finance

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Mariea Liberto

College of Business and Public Management


Faculty Research Advisor(s):
Huaibing Yu

The topic of ethics in finance is related to a corporate governing of sets of guidelines that keep financial professionals and institutions accountable for actions and make sure they uphold standards of significant integrity. This project will demonstrate and portray the very high standards enforced by officials of the finance profession. It will outline specific consequences, repercussions, and monetary penalties that follow an unethical act. An inner moral compass comes into play that battles fear, pressure, greed, and selfishness, and becomes lawfully regulated by governance of the financial professions. The ethical issues this project will cover are confidentiality, independence, professional competence, objectivity, fraud, and professional conduct. A lot can be said for past discretions relevant to these concentrations. Such unlawful activities as inflating revenue, and hiding expenses can lead to worlds of problems not only for the guilty but for whom become victimized by these acts. Hiding expense and inflating revenue can cause investors to make horrible decisions unbeknownst to them. This project will touch on all of those topics, ideas, and concepts.


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