Student Wellbeing and the Necessity for Strategies

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Marco Chavez

College of Liberal Arts

Psychology/Forensic Psychology

Faculty Research Advisor(s):
Adara Goldberg

Modern college-life is full of demands, frustrations, hassles, and deadlines that cause many students to experience high levels of stress. Colleges and universities face a high risk of students facing wellbeing issues due to large amounts of stress, lack of education surrounding coping strategies, and limited amount of institutional awareness on the issue. While college can inspire confidence for some, for many others it can do the opposite. These students may struggle to complete assignments, face difficulty getting out of bed, or even take part in destructive behaviors towards themselves and others. In the long-term, the stress of higher education can cause many students to not return for their next term, to take longer than planned to graduate, to drop out completely, or engage in further negative behaviors. In addition, the amount of pressure can cause many students to fall into cycles of sleep deprivation, poor nutrition, and lack of self-care. Data from the American College Health Association highlights different methods for students to combat negative feelings such as stress. One of the biggest issues for students is a lack of self-care, which refers to actions taken by oneself to benefit oneself, resulting in a positive quality state of health. This research shows the most effective exercises and mechanisms that colleges can do to promote wellbeing. Specifically, it focuses on how yoga, mediation, and cardio are known for promoting self esteem and emotional stability, while acknowledging the simultaneous need for campus awareness on student health, through centers, programs, and services. This research suggests that an endorsement of physical activities may help students cope with stress, along with a commitment by student health services to be more outreaching to students to help them manage stress and identify coping mechanisms in the way that is most healthy for them.


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