Interventions in Elder Homelessness
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Melissa Cruz
Jenna Karcher , Quincy Gaillard , Andrea Mesa, Sarat Busari
College of Education
Applied Behavioral Analysis
Faculty Research Advisor(s):
Norma Bowe
A group of individuals from Be the Change, NJ (Kean University) discovered an encampment in the woods where about 30 primarily older citizens resided. The encampment is located in Monmouth County, NJ. These individuals live in extreme conditions, relying on donations for food, water, and other urgent needs. These elders have complicated medical issues, and many need treatment. BTCNJ conducted a needs assessment. Thirty tanks of propane were filled for upcoming winter conditions. Referrals were made to (very sparse) social service agencies. This is a continuing project.
Monmouth County, NJ, is located in the south-central region of the state of New Jersey and is made up of 59 distinct townships. The largest Monmouth County racial/ethnic groups are White (74.3%), followed by Hispanic (11.0%) and Black (6.3%). The median income in Monmouth County is $110,356 (census data 2021). Those 62 (years) and older comprised a population of 1 416, 990 roughly 28.9%. The typical rent for housing is between $1,900 and $2400/ month. This does not include other living costs, such as food and necessities. Most senior citizens are on fixed incomes far below this threshold. 7.4% live below the poverty line.