Be the Change NJ Dream Big: Young Women’s Leadership Initiative

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Melissa Cruz

Jenna Karcher , Quincy Gaillard , Andrea Mesa, Sarat Busari

The College of Health Professions and Human Services

Applied Behavioral Analysis

Faculty Research Advisor(s):
Norma Bowe

It is estimated that over 1.6 million youth are homeless each year in the United States Adolescence can be a challenging time, particularly for those dealing with issues of housing and food insecurity, family chaos and adverse childhood experiences. The Dream Big Program is a young women’s leadership initiative developed and implemented by Be the Change NJ. The Dream Big program will target young women ages 10-15 receiving services at the Elizabeth Coalition to House the Homeless in Elizabeth, NJ. A twelve week mentoring/educational
program will consist of didactic, group discussion, and field trip experiences geared towardsbuilding self-esteem, self-efficacy and positive health outcomes.

The main objectives of this program are as followed: to increase personal development and wellness, to learn leadership and teamwork skills, to engage mentorship volunteers in goal setting and positive educationaloutcomes, to increase community engagement, and to decrease risk factors associated with
homelessness. Pre and post testing shows a significant increase in all study variables.


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