Pick It Up

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Daniel Valente

Michael Graves College

Graphic Design

Faculty Research Advisor(s):
Denise Anderson

Studies show that beach pollution is harmful to coastal wildlife, threatens human health, and can degrade the quality of life in coastal communities. According to the 2022 Ocean Conservancy report, it was found that there was over 3.3 million items, such as cigarette butts, bottle caps, food wrappers, debris, and fishing gear were collected on U.S. beaches. Research also indicates that people are aware of the harm littering does on beaches but are not sure how to help. In a survey of 47 people, 53% said they are willing to participate in beach cleanups, only if it is locally. In the same survey, 63% of them are willing to help with beach clean-ups virtually. To combat the problem of beach pollution, the Pick It Up campaign promotes an augmented reality experience of beach clean-ups. Pick It Up aims to inform people about the harms of beach littering, clean-up, and etiquette.


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