Microsoft's Leadership Transformation

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Kenneth Patrick

College of Business and Public Management


Faculty Research Advisor(s):
Ipek Kocoglu

This research project aims to explore and analyze the leadership style of Satya Nadella, the executive chairman and CEO of Microsoft. While Microsoft was already one of the biggest tech companies in the world before his rise to CEO, Microsoft has seen some changes throughout his leadership. As a result, the company grew exponentially. Nadella's leadership style is primarily based on a growth mindset and innovation. This mindset allows Microsoft to embrace learning and thinking outside the box. Additionally, Nadella focuses on clear and concise communication with all of his employees. All of these factors and more have led to Nadella's success as a CEO, as well as Microsoft's everlasting success. Aside from analyzing Nadella's leadership style, we will also explain why his leadership style works so well. We will also compare Nadella's leadership style to Steve Ballmer's, the previous CEO of Microsoft, to identify major differences that may have impacted Microsoft.


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