The Effect of Interactive Food Labeling On Produce Consumption Among Campus Food Pantry Clients

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Grant: NSF

Keyla Cuenca

The Dorothy and George Hennings College of Science, Mathematics, and Technology


Faculty Research Advisor(s):
Kim Spaccarotella

The campus food pantry provides the community with produce and a variety of healthy items but doesn't explain how to handle, clean and cook produce so clients are hesitant to reach for produce. Interactive food labels are a solution that may encourage food pantry clients to use produce and be able to incorporate those nutrients into their diet which has various health benefits. The purpose of this project was to produce an interactive label for salad greens in the campus food pantry. The interactive label includes a QR code that leads clients to an educational recipe video that teaches the audience how to use greens in a tasty and nutritious recipe. The video is a short explanation of the nutrients as well as a visual aid to the steps needed to make a recipe. The Blueberry Peach Salad recipe video includes the visuals and description of the steps in the recipe as well as incorporating some proven implementations or key educational elements that have been tested to grab the audience’s attention. An additional video was also created using a recipe for chicken and green beans. Pilot testing is ongoing and will provide additional information about how the educational video impacts the audience’s understanding of produce consumption and preparation.


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