Social Behavior and Spectator Aggression in Sports

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Stefany Puca

The College of Health Professions and Human Services

Forensic Psychology

Faculty Research Advisor(s):
Christine Doyle

The study investigated whether watching more sports games increases spectator aggression. The materials were a survey, social media platform, and an electronic device. There were 24 participants in the study, all were individuals that came in contact with the survey link on social media. A Chi-Square was performed to find a statistical difference between the frequency of game watching and if the person had been in a verbal altercation. There was no statistical difference, x2(1, N=24)=.533, p=ns. A series of Independent t-Tests analyzed the likelihood of participants yelling while watching a sports game or arguing. There was no significant difference in frequency of viewing and yelling, t(22)=1.346, p=ns. There was no significant difference in frequency of viewing and arguing, t(22)=.885, p=ns. Therefore, people watching games at a low or high frequency yelled or had a verbal altercation at the same rate. A Chi-Square was performed to find a statistical difference between the frequency of game watching and if the person had been in a physical altercation. The rate for high frequency watchers was higher; there was no statistical difference, x2(1, N=24)=1.36, p=ns. An Independent t-Test was performed to find a difference in frequency of viewing and throwing something, there was no statistical difference, t(22)=.962, p=ns. Participants agreed with statements that gave positive associations like: deep senses of fulfillment, over cheated; this is fixed by changing the wording of certain questions.
Keywords: Spectator aggression, social behavior, sports, verbal altercation, physical altercation, game


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