Analysis of the ethicality of Juvenile Justice Reform in the State of New Jersey
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Sean Laverty
College of Business and Public Management
Criminal Justice
Faculty Research Advisor(s):
Dennis Bogdan
The following research will exemplify an analysis of the ethicality of Juvenile Justice Reform in the State of New Jersey. An evaluation of the historic timeline of the New Jersey Juvenile Justice system through research has been included in its entirety, including what points of issues transpired and what natures of reform were introduced to ultimately structure the current New Jersey Juvenile Justice system. Additionally, paramount data and statistics deriving from the juvenile youth houses residing in New Jersey will contribute to an ultimate understanding on the current state of juvenile reform in New Jersey to this day. Drawing upon peer-reviewed sources, research will provide an analysis on current and existing New Jersey juvenile policies, and the most current outlook on restorative programs and strategies to combat recidivism, also including disparities within the New Jersey juvenile justice system, displaying possible disproportionate minority and gender statistics while also highlighting socioeconomic factors influencing specific outcomes.