Grounded Justice: Boeing's 737 MAX Fraud Conspiracy

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Julia Vacca

Janelle Quarm, Yuhang Wang, Alberto Ruiz, Joanna Morsi, Nick Zamalkany, Nizam Sayed

College of Business and Public Management


Faculty Research Advisor(s):
Dawn Adams-Harmon

The issue of Boeing 737 MAX is one case that emphasizes an organization's legal, ethical, and moral failures. This presentation highlights the problems like the design and certification of the 737 MAX airline leading to the company Boeing being charged with fraud and conspiracy. Problems like their disregard for human lives solely for financial gain, prioritizing money over their aircraft safety, and hiding important information from the regulators and operators. This led to crash cases and the death of several people and Boeing covered up their deception through misleading statements, and concealing information from the FAA. By thoroughly analyzing the issues that led to so many issues and Boeing being charged for fraud amongst other things. With a subject area of compliance and ethics, this study completely underlines the need for strict regulations, evaluations, accountability, and ethical awareness in the airline industry. Most importantly, restoring trust, ensuring safety, and long-term sustainability, is the main goal of the project abstract.


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