Determining the Professional Development Needs and Interests of Teachers Who Work With Students with Emotional Regulation Impairment
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Elizabeth Osborn
College of Liberal Arts
English/Teacher of Students with Disabilities
Faculty Research Advisor(s):
Janet Fike
This research will determine the professional development needs and interests of teachers who work with students with Emotional Regulation Impairment. This study will examine if educators working with ERI students feel they are getting the proper professional development opportunities. If they feel as though they could get more professional development support and access, their learning experiences would look different. They would be able to identify specific topics they would like support and education about. There are two objectives to this study. The objectives of this study are twofold. The first objective is to analyze the data provided by the teachers to see if they feel they are getting the proper professional development opportunities in their district. The second objective is to see what teachers’ ideal professional development looks like or what they would like to focus on to best support their needs in the classroom working with ERI students. It is important because if teachers are receiving the necessary training, they will be more prepared when facing challenges in the classroom. The researcher hypothesizes that teachers who work with ERI students are not receiving
adequate professional development opportunities provided to them by their districts. Once they are able to receive better professional development geared toward ERI students, they will be able to provide different ways to support their student population.