ESG developments for developing logistics companies

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Jiaxuan Cai

Shiqi Wu

College of Business and Public Management


Faculty Research Advisor(s):
Ali Mohammad

ESG (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance) is a method of considering environmental, social and corporate governance factors in investment decisions. Carbon neutrality refers to the goal of reducing the impact on climate change by reducing, offsetting or compensating greenhouse gas emissions. Including ESG and carbon neutrality as part of core strategies has become increasingly important.Environmental concerns often focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, resource management, energy efficiency and water management. Social responsibility includes a company's relationships with employees, supply chains, communities and consumers, as well as aspects such as product safety and quality. Corporate governance emphasizes transparency, independence, board structure and supervision mechanisms.The pain point is the conceptual understanding and construction of ESG. In addition, there is also the amount and portfolio of ESG construction investments (ESG investment priorities).Technology is developing rapidly, and each company’s investment in technology is growing steadily, which is reflected in transportation, packaging and other aspects.


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