COVID-19 Infections and Food Insecurity
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Melissa Cruz
Mirian DeSouza, Katherine Rodriguez, Jenna Karcher
College of Education
Applied Behavioral Analysis
Faculty Research Advisor(s):
Norma Bowe
There is much in the literature about the stressors regarding food insecurity and consequential negative health outcomes. COVID-19 has disproportionately affected populations with socio-economic challenges and people of color. Many people find themselves unemployed and utilizing social services for the first time. This project will include a comprehensive review of literature and will analyze the NJ COVID-19 cases to demonstrate patterns among the food insecure. This is a food justice and social justice project. The research aligns with the University Mission regarding community service and activism. The food distribution covers seven NJ counties from Hudson to Ocean. Many students who reside in these counties are directly impacted by COVID and food insecurity.
This research will add to the body of knowledge regarding illness, disease and food justice. Likert data will be collected from existing surveys and analyzed using SPSS. Students and researchers will write reports of findings and recommendations. Students and researchers will create a resource guide to food and other needed items for distribution to the Pantry Recipients. The project will deliver a detailed analysis of food insecurity and its relationship to increased risk for COVID infections. It will add to the body of knowledge regarding NJ food insecurity during a pandemic and consequential negative health outcomes.