The Influence of Skin Color on Beauty Perception and Approachability
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Justin Judson
College of Education
Early Childhood Education
Faculty Research Advisor(s):
Verneda Hamm-Baugh
The present study was designed to examine the influence of skin color on how individuals perceive one's attractiveness and approachability. Eighty participants engaged in a two-item survey in which they viewed images of a virtual model and rated the model's attractiveness and approachability on a scale of one to ten. The participants were separated into four groups, those who viewed the light-skinned male model, those who viewed the light-skinned female model, those who viewed the dark-skinned male model, and those who viewed the dark-skinned female model. A 2x2 ANOVA found a significant main effect of complexion for both attractiveness and approachability. The dark skinned virtual mode's were rated less attractive and less approachable than the light-skinned virtual models. Furthermore, while the dark-skinned female model was rated the least attractive. the dark-skinned male model was rated the least approachable. These findings suggest that even when viewing virtual characters, implicit bias noticeably influences individuals' opinions and perceptions.