Technology Adoption and Employee Adaptation

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Justin Morton

Keiliani Melendez, Evan Formoso, Carys McDowell

College of Business and Public Management

Business Administration (MBA)

Faculty Research Advisor(s):
Ipek Kocoglu

In our study, we want to understand how bringing in new stuff like computers or machines to work changes how well employees can work. We'll look at how hard it is for them to learn to use this new stuff, and how much better they get at using it over time. We'll also see how training and help from others affect how good they are with the new stuff, and how happy they are with their job.

Our focus will be on a specific example: Siemens. They're a big company that's been making big changes to how they work by using more technology. We'll study how Siemens has been teaching their workers to use this new technology, making sure they have all the help they need. By looking at Siemens, we can see how important it is for companies to give their workers enough support when they're trying to get used to new things at work.

We hope our study will show how important it is for companies to help their workers learn and use new technology. This can make the workers better at their jobs and happier with their work. It can also help companies be more efficient and successful.


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