Assessing and conservatively treating acetabular labral tears in young athletes
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Tyler Hendrickson
The College of Health Professions and Human Services
Athletic Training
Faculty Research Advisor(s):
James Stavitz
Hip Pain is a diminishing injury that is particularly prevalent among the elderly. This can diminish the quality of life for all age groups fighting through a hip injury. Daily activities such as climbing stairs, and getting in and out of a seated position can become such an excruciating task. Among a vast range of hip, groin, and hamstring injuries, acetabular labral tears stand out as the common enemy. Research indicates that a substantial percentage, ranging from 22% to 55%, of both athletes and patients suffering from hip pain exhibit symptoms attributed to labral tears. More specifically, athletes who are constantly engaging in activities such as running, cutting, and sprinting, these tears can be tremendously debilitating. Characteristics of this injury can be things such as pain, discomfort, clicking, popping sensations, and locking of the hip. labral tears affect not only mobility but will also cause pain to emit near the groin due to their proximity. The conventional way to attack these injuries is a corrective surgery which will vary depending on the severity of the tear.