Examination of Quality and Nutrient Change in Compost Teas Brewed from Various Organic Nutrients
The Dorothy and George Hennings College of Science, Mathematics, and Technology
Biology/Environmental Option
Faculty Research Advisor(s):
Dongyan Mu
To promote food waste recycling, Kean University (K.U.) in New Jersey built an in-vessel composter to recycle food waste and convert it into an organic soil nutrient. A team led by Dr. Dongyan Mu in DESS explored how compost can be used in hydroponics to promote organic plant growth. Compost tea was brewed from various composts and examined for important components essential for plant growth in hydroponics. This study presents the results and evaluates the potential of compost tea to enhance plant growth and nutrient uptake in hydroponics. It is expected that this study will provide a better understanding of compost tea and extend the application of compost in hydroponic production. It is also expected that these efforts will not only enhance organic waste recycling at Kean University but also contribute to broader environmental stewardship. This initiative underscores the university's commitment to sustainability and offers valuable insights into compost's practical applications.