Stock Performance of Google Vs Microsoft
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Yijia Ni
Bingqing Zhao
College of Business and Public Management
Faculty Research Advisor(s):
Andreas Kakolyris
This article will compare the stock performance of Google and Microsoft, these two companies both have important positions in the technology industry. Google derives its revenue mainly from advertising, including search ads, YouTube ads, mobile ads, which makes Google one of the largest online advertising companies in the world. Microsoft generates revenue from software licensing fees, cloud computing services (Azure), Office software (Office), games (Xbox), hardware (Surface), and cloud computing services is one of its fastest growing businesses. In this research, we used Synthetic Rating, CAPM, Hamada Equation to calculate so as to compare the stock performance of Google and Microsoft, investors can have a more comprehensive understanding of the company's status and prospects. In the future, as the technology industry continues to evolve and change, both Google and Microsoft will continue to maintain their leading positions and provide more innovative products and services to users around the world. Our final research results will be presented and analyzed in the poster.