Simulating the Weighted Cost of Capital for Technology Firms

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James Mompoint

Ivorie Melendez, Diana Rojas, Angelo De Virgilio

College of Business and Public Management


Faculty Research Advisor(s):
Tin Shan Suen

This project will focus on the stock price and production correlation between three semiconductor companies (AMD, Nvidia, and Intel) along with Apple. All the companies in our study produce products that can be used in place for one another or can be used to work together depending on the product. Their products can work with one another but as well as can be a competitor to each other in certain products with one example being chips. Since all four of these companies work within technology we can see how much of a difference the stock prices have been in regards to their year to date prices and how their prices have been fluctuating. Also looking at what trends we can see as well as what is similar and what is different. The poster will present and analyze our findings on these topics while giving a little bit of a deeper understanding.


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