Factors Contributing to Cybersecurity Certification Success
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Grant: NSF
Morgan Stump
Laura Stump
The Dorothy and George Hennings College of Science, Mathematics, and Technology
Computer Science
Faculty Research Advisor(s):
Patricia Morreale
Cybersecurity certifications enhance the education and professional credentials of people in cybersecurity careers. However, the process for obtaining cybersecurity certification is not well-known, and many undergraduate students are not able to pursue certification due to lack of knowledge, time, or money. A one-year study was conducted at Kean University to determine best practices to support students pursuing the CompTIA Security+ certification. Two cohorts were taken through the certification preparation process, with different methods, to determine which interventions and coaching techniques were most useful for Kean students. Pre and post-tests were used. Cohort 1 (n=19) worked on cybersecurity labs first, using videos and chapters as study references. Cohort 2 worked on videos and chapters first, followed with labs. Using Kean’s Cybersecurity Lab Environment, students sat for the CompTIA Security+ exam and earned the certification. This research outlines recruiting methods, manages the expectations of the student cohorts, provides study materials and frequency of instructor-student interactions, and concludes by summarizing the characteristics of the successful students and program features that support student success.