Pre-Covid vs Post-Covid Mathematical Standardized Test Scores New Jersey VS South Carolina
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Kristine Bragg
Lauren Donohue
The Dorothy and George Hennings College of Science, Mathematics, and Technology
Faculty Research Advisor(s):
Brian Baldwin
The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors that may influence student achievement in math and science in New Jersey and South Carolina. Specifically, we will be analyzing the data of pre-covid to post-covid test scores. Analyzing the data from the state Department of Education on student performance on standardized tests, as well as information on teacher qualifications, school funding, and other factors. By analyzing this data, we hope to identify any patterns or correlations that may exist between these variables and student achievement. The findings of this study may help to inform policy decisions and target resources in ways that can improve student performance in STEM subjects, as well as inform efforts to recruit and retain high-quality STEM teachers and improve conditions in schools serving disadvantaged populations. Additionally, understanding the relationship between teacher and school characteristics and student achievement may help to inform efforts to recruit and retain high-quality STEM teachers and improve conditions in schools serving disadvantaged populations.