The Consumption of Alcohol Negatively Impacts the Academic Performance of College Students
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Naydelin Benitez Ventura
College of Business and Public Management
Faculty Research Advisor(s):
Louis D'anjou
Youth Risk Behavior Survey: nearly 29.8% of college students in the U.S. had engaged in
alcohol consumption in the past 30 days. Study shows that drinking alcohol negatively impacts
the academic performance of students. Not all college students who consume alcohol experience
negative effects, and moderation is key. Transition into college coincides with the highest
incidence of heavy binge drinking compared to any other age group. Hagman emphasizes that
drinking alcohol has numerous unique consequences. One of the primary concerns is that if an
Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) diagnosis in college students goes unnoticed, it can escalate into a
more severe form of alcohol dependence in adulthood (Hagman, 2016).A study has indicated
that alcohol use disorder (AUD) rates reach their highest point during college years.
Epidemiological evidence suggests that the rates of DSM-IV AUDs, which encompass alcohol
abuse and dependence, can range from about 12% to 30% during this period (Hagman, 2016).