E-Commerce Value on the Economy

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Arisdelzy Reyes

College of Business and Public Management


Faculty Research Advisor(s):
Huaibing Yu

E-commerce has developed over the years as we have become more technology driven. In this research, I will go over how e-commerce in used in international trade to add new opportunities for business in order to maximize profits. Next, it has become efficient in reducing costs that are the usual operations for companies. Therefore, e-commerce has been able to assist in the overall management to effectively allocate resources and close the gap versus other competitors. Not only that, but this form has increased opportunities for promoting larger groups, reaching customers that will continue to consume. Companies that have not grown in this aspect have resulted in the closure of their business. Nonetheless, if not utilized how will this impact the economy and the results of those businesses. E-commerce is developing as more individuals try this platform in order to be able to exceed their results overall in this digital economy.


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