COVID-19 Trends & SGTF
The Dorothy and George Hennings College of Science, Mathematics, and Technology
Biotechnology/Molecular Biology.
Faculty Research Advisor(s):
Samip Bhattarai, Marshall Hayes
The purpose of this investigation is to track and identify trends in COVID-19, the respiratory illness caused by the SARS-Cov-2 virus including variants from dates November 18, 2021 into February 25, 2022. There will be an introduction of its history, its outbreak and impact on human health via diagnostic surveillance by RT-PCR and whole genome sequencing. From there, this investigation will go into the background of the disease. Essentially, what genes are unique to the virus such as its N-Gene, ORF1AB Gene and the cornerstone of this investigation is its S-Gene. These primary genes help identify if a patient is positive. However, emerging variants of COVID-19 have been missing the S-Gene which is known as SGTF (S-Gene Target Failure). Failure of the S-Gene can be used to track new variants (Alpha and Omicron), it has now become a reliable marker for identification with the hope of making future predictions for the next outbreak. What makes this important to society? It will improve our overall public health response which includes preventative care, faster laboratory diagnostic methods and stronger vaccines.