How Does Traditional Indian Medicine Affect Pre- and Post- Surgical Management for Patients
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Harry Fisher IV
College of Business and Public Management
Public Administration
Faculty Research Advisor(s):
Jose Rojas Fernandez
For my research topic, traditional Indian medicine I have asked the following question to assist with my overall research assignment. How does practicing traditional Indian medicine play a pivotal role in American pre- and post-surgical treatment and management? I have selected this question for my research topic because of the contrast between American medicine and traditional medical practices. My feeling is that practicing more natural, holistic remedies can have a lasting effect on the human body that may translate into favorable or unfavorable pre- and post-surgical outcomes. Some practitioners of traditional Indian medicine may feel that western medicine can be ineffective, and the testing, procedures, and post operative care could infringe on their healing process. From my limited research on traditional Indian medicine, it is believed that practicing these traditional methods promote positive health which further translates into metabolically well-balanced human beings. I feel that studying traditional Indian medicine, or Ayurveda, the science of life, one can identify possible alternatives to pre- and post-surgical treatment. Utilizing this principle and the vast network of treatment options that have been passed down for centuries in Indian culture, there is plenty of evidence-based data that could fully explain the question of, how does practicing traditional Indian medicine play a pivotal role in American pre- and post-surgical treatment and management?