Datamining Pandemic Investor Behavior
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Xavier Amparo
The Dorothy and George Hennings College of Science, Mathematics, and Technology
Computer Information Systems
Faculty Research Advisor(s):
Ching-yu Huang
The Covid-19 pandemic has had a marked effect on life. This study seeks to make an attempt to examine the impact of the pandemic on the behavior of investors during the period as opposed to before and after the pandemic. Utilizing data obtained from Yahoo Finance on three financial sectors each and at least four different industries per sector with four companies per industry, the study seeks to relate the stock data to case data on Covid-19. The current task would be to datamine information and apply statistical analyses to the stock data before attempting to correlate the two datasets to find a relation. By relating stock data for the numerous companies in the data to the Covid-19 daily case data, a direct relation to the pandemic and stock behavior is sought, to later relate it to investor behavior as a whole. Daily case data can be used to later determine what events or what kind of events would have been the cause of changes in the stock trends if there is a correlation between the two datasets. This could potentially be used as a framework to discuss future pandemics and how and in what form various industries would be affected by such an event.