AI In Finance & It's Concerns

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Emily Alexander

College of Business and Public Management


Faculty Research Advisor(s):
Huaibing Yu

The topic I choose is to reflect on how AI is involved in Finance today but also the concerns it brings. AI is supposed to help ease human life but also can have some issues in its systems. I am going to do research on the top risks and concerns AI systems bring to our daily lives.
AI has many benefits but it's main issue is that it lacks what humans have. As we evolve, technology advances, we have to be aware of the changes and be open minded to using AI systems. It is great and can be beneficial to all of us but we need to make sure we are aware of what can happen and be cautious. Looking into Privacy concerns, Security risk, Robustness & more, we can analyze and be more aware of what we are dealing with and evolving with in our day to day lives.


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