Does Ice-Water Submersion Improve Athletic Performance
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Michael Shapiro
The College of Health Professions and Human Services
Exercise Science
Faculty Research Advisor(s):
Pragya Sharma Ghimire
During training and competitions, athletes are required to maximize their performance while managing fatigue and soreness in short periods with recovery. The benefits of cold-water immersion are that it helps increase hydrostatic pressure and/or reduce body/tissue temperature. Enhanced recovery, facilitated by altered blood flow, post-exercise fluid retention, and increased metabolism, reduces muscle damage, swelling, inflammation, spasms, and pain. Improved recovery promotes better overall performance. Research has shown that ice water submersion can enhance and speed up recovery. Therefore, this study aims to determine the effects of ice water submersion on upper-body muscle performance. In this study, 20 participants from a Men's Collegiate Lacrosse Team between the ages of 18 and 23 years will complete the ice water submersion with the training protocol. Participants will take grip strength measurements for both dominant and non-dominant hands for the pre-assessment portion. Subsequent visits involve determining each participant's 1 Rep Maximum (1RM) of dumbbells for bicep curls, bench press, and shoulder press, establishing relative intensity percentages (70%-90% of 1RM) to guide the designated weight for bicep curls during the study. The protocol includes arm immersion in ice-cold water for specific durations and frequencies. Participants will then perform 10-12 bicep curls with the designated weight, ensuring proper form. Data will be analyzed using SPSS software, measuring pre-test and post-test results within and between treatment and control groups. We expect that ice-water submersion will enhance muscle performance, and the findings from this study could provide insights for future research.