Analyzing Business processes at Shoprite
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Kymone Gregory-Taylor
Alexia Piper
College of Business and Public Management
Faculty Research Advisor(s):
Thomas Abraham
Students Names: Kymone Gregory-Taylor and Alexia Piper
Presentation Type: Poster
Discipline: Supply Chain Management
Position: Undergraduate
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Thomas Abraham
Title: Analyzing business processes at Shoprite.
Abstract: Shoprite is a corporation operating in the food and grocery industry with headquarters in Holmdel, NJ. Our team will use the design science research method to identify and solve information silos or other problems in an organizational business process. Design science is a research paradigm that focuses on problem-solving by creating artifacts. We will collect our data from primary sources such as interviews with managers and observation. We will document the process creating artifacts such as context diagrams and swimlane flowcharts and using business process modeling notation (BPMN). We will then analyze the process using management, information systems and process management principles discussed in our course and recommend solutions to improve the process. We will report our preliminary findings in the form of a poster presentation.