An Interdisciplinary Approach to Athletes and Mental Health
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Jenna Karcher
Melissa Hofmann, Melissa Cruz
The College of Health Professions and Human Services
Social Work
Faculty Research Advisor(s):
Norma Bowe
This research project investigates the interdisciplinary approaches to promote mental health and well-being among athletes of all levels. Recognizing the ongoing Stigma surrounding Mental Health and athletes, this study further examines how multiple disciplines collaborate to support athletes' mental well-being. Furthermore, the study uses a survey methodology to investigate the role of different sports organizations and support staff that foster different ways to prioritize mental health. This can be done through various mental health programs, educational opportunities, and support systems within athletic communities.
A survey was given to a D3 Football Team to offer insight into these student-athletes' perceptions and mental health indicators. By incorporating feedback from the survey, we can identify the need to optimize mental health outcomes and bridge gaps between different fields. The results of this study will show that collaboration between multiple disciplines contributes to creating a better Mental Health Space for athletes of all ages.