A Mixed-Method Study Investigating the Impact of Quantum Batteries on Future Cell-Phone Technology
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Faizan Khan
The Dorothy and George Hennings College of Science, Mathematics, and Technology
Computer Science
Faculty Research Advisor(s):
Eunice Nkansah
Cell phones have now become an inseparable part of people’s lives. These days, cell phones are considered useful learning tools that are used to explore many possibilities. The goal of the study was to investigate the impact of quantum batteries on future cell phone technology. The study further explored how quantum batteries work and why they are considered a suitable replacement for lithium-ion batteries.
The researcher adopted a mixed-method study approach, which provided a unique lens to collect data and insight from a professional and non-professional perspective. The findings revealed that young college adults will be exhilarated to have a cell phone that never runs out of charge. They also have a stronger preference for these cell phones and believe it can help improve their learning.
Therefore, the study concluded that although quantum batteries are the next step in evolution, these batteries still require some work to be done in order for them to be implemented. Although this conclusion is applicable, it may pose challenges due to the vulnerability of quantum batteries when exposed to the environment. The study recommends further research to fully understand the mechanics of quantum batteries and their operation.
Keywords: Quantum Battery, Cell Phones, College, Young Adults, Battery, Lithium-ion
Battery, Technology, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Computing, Thermodynamics