"Understanding Self-Efficacy: Factors That Shape Beliefs in Personal Ability"

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Kermina Gattas

College of Liberal Arts


Faculty Research Advisor(s):
Verneda Hamm-Baugh

Self-efficacy pertains to an individual's confidence in their ability to carry out the actions necessary to achieve specific performance goals (Bandura, 1977, 1986, 1997). It signifies a person's belief in their capacity to control their motivation, behavior, social interactions and plays an important role in one's ability to succeed in tasks. This may be especially significant in an educational setting as students with higher self-efficacy might be more motivated to succeed. In this study, participants were asked via Google form to complete a survey to assess the relationship between socioeconomic status, sense of belonging, location of residency, immigration status and self-efficacy. All participants were college students between the ages of 18 and 26. It was hypothesized that there will be a positive correlation between sense of belonging and self-efficacy, family income and self-efficacy as well as parental education level and self-efficacy. It is also hypothesized that immigration status will be related to self-efficacy.


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