Safety Measurement to Prevent Seizures in Athletes with Epilepsy
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Raymond Mosquera Vera
The College of Health Professions and Human Services
Athletic Training
Faculty Research Advisor(s):
Nicole Lowy
Epilepsy is commonly associated with somatic, cognitive and psychiatric comorbidities such as anxiety and depression, which negatively impact quality of life. There are case studies that say that physical activity reduces the chances of stress which could decrease the chances of an athlete having a seizure while playing sports. If an athlete has good control of their medical condition it is possible for them to participate in sport safely. The majority of physical activities or sports are safe for people with epilepsy to participate in with special attention to adequate seizure control, close monitoring of medications, and preparation of family or trainers. here are rare cases of exercise-induced seizures, studies have shown that physical activity can decrease seizure frequency. Also there is limited data to show that epileptics and their fellow athletes are at increased risk of injury. Athletes with epilepsy should not have any problem or risk while participating in sports, taking in consideration that they know how to control the seizures and how to prevent it. Athletes with epilepsy often have been excluded from sport and exercise due to fear and misperception. This case study shows that athletes can participate in sports if they maintain a physical activity and medication