Analyzing Drosophila DNA Using a Third-Generation MinION DNA Sequencer
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Jowanides Souryal
Kristy Kakish
The Dorothy and George Hennings College of Science, Mathematics, and Technology
Faculty Research Advisor(s):
Rongsun Pu
In this research project, we generated a DNA library using a third generation DNA sequencer. We used Drosophila DNA for this research. The third generation sequencer is called the MinION. It can be used to get fast DNA results by just plugging it into a computer. We used the Ligation sequencing kit to prepare the fruit fly DNA library. Other materials were used such as NEBNext FFPE repair mix and NEBNext quick ligation module. We wanted to see if we could get accurate DNA results from the MINIon device used. After obtaining the DNA sample, we used that to analyze the data for the fruit fly. Results were not successful, could be due to the fact that the MINIon was used many times before. The test was ran a second time and still the results were not accurate. However, we still did get some data out of the DNA library.