Chinese Medicine
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Eve Borgella
College of Business and Public Management
Public Administration
Faculty Research Advisor(s):
Jose Rojas Fernandez
1. What are some similarities of cancer therapy treatments when involving Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Modern Medicine aka Western Medicine in today's society?
Based on my question I would like to see if TCM will be able to be incorporated into this modern world. The world has developed in healthcare with new technology, laboratories, and sciences. Even with all that there is there are still some medicines that can be used for the greater good that don't involve high tech. The TCM can seem very old school but a plethora of people rely on these type of resources. The field of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) represents a vast and largely untapped resource for modern medicine. Exemplified by the success of the antimalarial artemisinin, the recent years have seen a rapid increase in the understanding and application of TCM-derived herbs and formulations for evidence-based therapy. (Wang et al., 2018)