Is Mutation Score Highly Correlated With The Size of the Test Suite and Mutation Operators
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Owens Rivera
The Dorothy and George Hennings College of Science, Mathematics, and Technology
Computer Science
Faculty Research Advisor(s):
Amani Ayad
Mutation testing as a whole is a form of white box testing in which specific components of a code or source code of an application are changed to ensure that test suites can detect the changes, however more specifically in this research, mutation testing is used to measure the effectiveness of test suites. When a mutation testing system, in our case the Pitest mutation testing system, is applied to a base program it generates both killed and equivalent mutants. Killed mutants are mutants that are both syntactically and semantically different from the base program. Mutants known as the survived mutants are syntactically different from the base program but semantically equivalent. The more mutants that are killed, the better the test suite. The overall goal of this research is to see if mutation score correlates with the test suite size as well as the mutation operators, if it correlates and if so how correlated are the specific test suite size and specific mutation operators when applied to a base program.