Air quality in ultra-urbanized Elizabeth, NJ
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Jackie Park Albaum
The Dorothy and George Hennings College of Science, Mathematics, and Technology
Earth Science
Faculty Research Advisor(s):
William Heyniger
This research assesses two air quality monitoring networks within Elizabeth, NJ and investigates the impacts of air quality of this environmentally overburdened community. The air monitoring networks are overseen by local environmental non-profit Groundwork Elizabeth in partnership with the Housing Authority of the City of Elizabeth. This study will research different air quality monitor types, data analysis systems, and public facing notification systems. Surveys of resident attitudes of notfication systems will be administered. Criteria pollutants, as defined by the EPA, will be tracked in different combinations across the networks. Data on air quality and related health impacts will be collected from Groundwork Elizabeth, the EPA, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and NJ ADAPT. NJ Public Health Adapt. This research project will explore how pollution in an ultra-urbanized environment impacts an environmental justice community while investigating the creation of a localized mechanism for alerting community members of air pollution levels.