How Can NJ Environmental Nonprofit Organizations Utilize Social Media to Gain Exposure?
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Amy Johnson
Justin Mille
The Dorothy and George Hennings College of Science, Mathematics, and Technology
Environmental Sciences
Faculty Research Advisor(s):
Daniela Shebitz
Environmental nonprofit organizations can utilize conservation photography to further convey messages. My research question is: What type of posts attract the highest level of interactions among followers on four NJ based environmental non-profit organizations. Through the analysis of content, likes, shares and comments we can see which type of content receives the most engagement. To decipher what kind of Facebook posts on local environmental nonprofit organizations accounts receive the most attention I chose four organizations: Save Barnegat Bay, American Littoral Society, New Jersey Conservation Foundation, and Barnegat Bay Partnership. Throughout the course of 2023 I randomly chose 4 posts per organization to examine. Based on this study, the public is more likely to be drawn in and interact with photos of plants and animals, regardless of the message you are looking to convey, as well as advertising events are the greatest ways to build a following and reach more people.