Clothing Choices Impact on Self-Perception

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Meghan Marron

College of Liberal Arts


Faculty Research Advisor(s):
Christine Doyle

This study investigates how clothing choices impact self-esteem by analyzing effects on self-perception, body image, and confidence. A diverse sample of 62 participants, aged 18 to 65 and older, provided insights through a 21-question Qualtrics survey, including questions about the impact of clothing choices on self-perception. The survey featured 6 curated outfits labeled 1-6, ranging from formal to business casual to loungewear. A chi-square was used to analyze the hypothesis that clothing you favor will positively impact your self-perception with an alpha level of .05. The Chi-Square found a statistical difference between the frequency of the curated outfit that represented the participants’ style and one that had the most positive impact on their self-esteem, x² (25, N=59)=86.738, p


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