Teacher Perspectives on Implementing the Use of AAC

Principal Investigator:
Lindsay DeNigris

Faculty Advisor:
James McLaughlin

The primary investigator surveyed Special Education teachers at Roosevelt Elementary School in Rahway, New Jersey. The purpose of this study is to determine teachers’ perspectives on training and support while implementing the use of AAC in their classrooms. This study will determine the levels of training and preparation teachers of students in this population specific to AAC systems that teachers have had. The benefits of this study in general is that it will provide information on teacher perspectives on AAC systems used in their classroom. It will also highlight whether or not teachers believe they receive the support and training in order to best support their students using AAC systems. If the research supports the hypothesis that teachers do not receive the support and training needed, it is hoped that the research findings will be used to highlight a need for improvement. It is hoped that teacher preparation programs and school administration will seek support for their teachers in this area so that students are getting the most meaningful instruction possible.


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