Effects of Video Modeling to Teach Young Children With Autism A Variety of Skills
Principal Investigator:
Christen McNair
Faculty Advisor:
Randi Sarokoff
A widely used evidence based strategy to teach skills to children with disabilities is video modeling. A literature review revealed that many skills are taught and acquired using this method. Some skills taught using this method include play skills (Boudreau, E., & D’Entremont, B. 2010), academic skills (Morlock, L, et al. 2014), and daily living skills (Drysdale, B. et al. 2014). A survey was created to determine what skills are being taught using video modeling by professionals today and to measure how effective they are perceived by clinicians who use them. A total of 22 participants completed the survey. Results showed that the skills targeted the most by participants using video modeling interventions were as follows: recognize and name social expressions (86%); daily living skills (86%); and pretend play skills (77%). Additionally, participants were asked to rate how effective the use of video modeling was to teach these skills. Results revealed that participants perceived recognizing and naming social expressions using video modeling as 100% very effective or effective, daily living skills as 95% very effective or effective, and pretend play skills as 82.4% very effective or effective. In conclusion, approximately 80% - 86% of the participants are currently using video modeling to effectively teach learners with autism skills. Results also indicated that participants found video modeling as 80%-100% effective in teaching children with autism to recognize and name social expressions, teach daily living skills, and teach pretend play skills. It is concluded that video modeling is a popular and effective intervention to teach different skills to children with autism.