Designing the Ideal Chemistry Laboratory

Principal Investigator:
Kailey Viera

Mildred Alvarado, Ashley Massano , Dale Martin, Steve Cardonas

Faculty Advisor:
Tracie Feldman

During the 2023 Fall semester, a team of architectural and interior design interns at Campus Planning were tasked to provide a functional layout for a chemistry laboratory that would be constructed for approximately thirty students. With extensive research, the team was able to calculate the necessary square footage per person; the accurate placement of gas, water, ventilation, and electrical hookups; proper means of egress; acceptable materials; equipment and fixtures; and more. After the research process, each intern created their own floor plan based on their findings, and from there, the team communicated which aspect of each layout did and did not work. Everyone on the team updated parts of their layout that did not work, and they each came out with a unique functioning layout for a chemistry laboratory. With the expansion of Kean’s Research Programs, these laboratories would meet the standards and requirements of laboratory design while providing students with a space to learn and research effectively.


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