Does Immigration Negatively or Positively Impact the US Economy
Principal Investigator:
Denny Quinteros
Katherine Lopez
Faculty Advisor:
Chen Meng
For Keans' Research Day, both Denny Quinteros and I, Katherine Lopez, will complete a research on the main impacts that immigration has on the economy of The United States. Currently, many states in the country are experiencing a large amount of immigration, and many citizens are worried about how this can and will affect the economy. We will read and analyze different research articles that have been done on the economy during a high-frequency period of immigration and compare them with low-frequency immigration. From there, we will proceed to grasp and explain how they both correlate. Corresponding with the results of that, we will have a clearer understanding and will be able to answer if immigration positively or negatively affects the American economy, more specifically due to the current state of the American economy. We believe this is an important topic because, as citizens, we hope to see the economy of our country improve, benefitting all consumers as well as the firms